O r g a n i c a l l y
Grown Corn Base
100% Corn base with ground water from the upper Deschutes Basin

our brand process
Par 7 Premium Vodka
PAR 7 is positioned as a super-premium brand in the U.S. market. PAR 7 is hand-crafted in small batches using the finest grains and is naturally filtered seven times slowly through charcoal and crushed volcanic rocks. Every batch is created
according to the rich French traditions that influenced Louisiana, and ensure PAR 7’s well defined freshness, definitiveness
and raw unique quality. PAR 7 guarantees the premium quality that is required of the world’s first Golf Members only
lifestyle vodka..
- Raw Ingredients: 100% Corn base with ground water from the upper Deschutes Basin.
- Fermentation: No additives, flavorings, or GMO are added to the final product.
- Distillation: Five times, in column continuous distillation filtered seven times through crushed volcanic rocks.
- Color: Colorless
- Alcohol by Volume: 40% (80 Proof )
C h e c k o u t s o m e o f o u r c o c k t a i l s s o y o u c a n e x p e r i e n c e o u r s p i r i t .
An unforgettable experience for any vodka connoisseur.

Get to know
Our Story
Par 7 follows centuries of vodka-making traditions and is a made in America Vodka,
combined with Louisiana cultural influences. It is a stimulating package, both in terms of its bottle design and economic
effects. PAR 7, now based in Seattle, Washington and Dallas Texas.but traces its roots to Louisiana. The brand name itself, PAR 7 Vodka,
commemorates the special location of its birthplace. PAR, short for “Parish”, is a description of the geographic location in
Louisiana where PAR 7 Vodka was discovered. Louisiana has Parishes rather than counties, and the seventh Parish is the
birthplace of PAR 7 Vodka, as well the hometown of its CEO and founder, Barriet Debose.

of the Environment
As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the distillery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.